Our Team


Dr. Tony Yates, Managing Director

Dr. Tony Yates is Managing Director of Nephin Renewable Gas. He is widely regarded as one of the UK and Ireland’s leading AD experts. Tony has over 25 years experience in the waste and renewables industry, including 22 years working for international environmental consultancy, SLR Consulting, where he headed up the company’s AD advisory business, managing a multi disciplinary team of 20 scientists and engineers. Over the past 15 years, Tony has delivered AD projects for government departments, environmental and planning regulators, industrial companies, technology providers and investment companies. In a technical due diligence capacity, Tony has delivered advice on numerous M&A projects in the AD sector.   

With a first degree in chemical engineering and a Doctorate from Surrey University in carbon accounting, Tony is passionate about the part biomethane can play in decarbonizing modern society. His expertise have been utilised on a number of recent projects in Ireland and assignments throughout the UK, Europe, South Africa, Australia and North America including a memorable project in Deadhorse, Alaska - the town at the “end of the Earth”.   

In his spare time, Tony runs a woodland regeneration project and supports a local arts centre as a Trustee.    


Graeme Lochhead, Commercial Director

Graeme is Commercial Director of Nephin Renewable Gas and brings with him over 35 years of experience in the agricultural, farm design, construction, waste, and anaerobic digestion (AD) industry sectors.

Graeme started his career in Scottish Agricultural Colleges as a designer, building consultant, and lecturer before moving to Cirencester as Senior Lecturer and Consultant at the Royal Agricultural College where he contributed to their “first of a kind” AD plant. His subsequent foray into AD was as Project Manager for one of the first Food Waste Plants in the UK. Since then, he has held senior positions in several renewable energy companies such as Head of Construction and Operations for Greener for Life, Operations Director for Vale Green Energy, Head of Production and Projects for Future Biogas and Commercial Director with Advanced Biofuel Solutions Limited. Since 2000, Graeme has served as an international consultant and expert witness for a variety of clients including the Government of Malaysia as well as AD projects in Hungary, Barbados, Mexico, USA and Australia.

He has experience and involvement in over 40 AD products including Greener for Life, Vale Green Energy, Future Biogas, First Milk and Brewdog. In delivering these 40 projects, Graeme has worked in project management, commissioning, operations & turn around, and collaborated with multiple AD tech providers from CHP and grid entry providers to biomethane upgrader specialists. 

With a background in Agriculture (a dairy farmer’s son from Dumfries and Galloway), Graeme has combined his engineering and construction experience with his solution-finding skills to maximise AD plant efficiency and productivity.

Graeme has degrees in both Structural and Mechanical Engineering (from University of Strathclyde and University of Newcastle on Tyne, respectively) and is a Nuffield Farming Scholar (2008).


Michael McEniry, Technical Director

Michael has an impressive track record in the renewable gas industry which spans 20+ years, providing critical regulatory and technical advice on biogas development projects from planning phase through to commissioning. Michael has also has extensive experience in the food, waste, and extractive sectors, working as a Project Engineer for a mechanical engineering contracting company.

Over the past 20 years, Michael has overseen the development and expansion of multiple intensive agricultural facilities including pig, poultry and dairy, skillfully managing these projects through planning, licensing, construction and commissioning. Since 2002, Michael has been directly involved with 16 biogas development projects, navigating them through various stages of logistical planning as well as procedural and environmental regulatory approvals. Michael’s direct involvement with these projects required a comprehensive understanding of stakeholder engagement at both a local and national level.

Michael holds a degree in Production Engineering from the University of Limerick.


Michael Sweeney, Operations Director

Since 2002, Michael has been directly involved with the development of 16 biogas facilities, navigating them through the intricacies of regulatory approvals, such as planning, grid connection and environmental approvals, while providing hands-on assistance in the development, commissioning, and operation of these plants. Michael also undertook extensive engagement with local stakeholders, recognizing the importance of their input in the development process.

Michael served for 12 years as Vice Chair of the Aquaculture License Appeals Board, a role directly appointed by the last four Ministers for Agriculture Food and the Marine.